With the help, of my friend Kevin, I've had the motivation to type my thoughts on the web again. Although I don't have the hesitancy of posting my thoughts for the world, I do lose motivation for writing when there are no viewers. Hense, I have had more than the average number of blogs that have gone dead over the years.
This past week has been a wonderful reprieve from homework and demands upon me since finishing my Spring Semester at Dakota State University. My mother hasn't felt very well, so she went to the doctor yesterday to find out she has some lower intestine infection and needs to relax for a week. Without her being cheery and running about encouraging me to get out of the house and do things, I've stayed inside and done pretty much nothing all day.
My motivation for work tomorrow from eleven o'clock (central time) until like four is really low. On Saturday, I have to work at Common Grounds again at the same time, and I am so tempted to see if I can have someone work for me. Though tomorrow will be just the third time that I have worked there. Is it really necessary for me to ask for a day off and have someone else work for me, when it will be just my forth day? Isn't that a little sad?
I'm going to go back to doing nothing. See you later. :)
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Hello Alicia, I was searching for some info on make money at home and stumbled across your blog. Even though Motivation was different than what I thought, it was different enough to get my attention. I really don't understand how I got your page while looking for make money at home. Anywho I loved your blog and am very happy I stopped by. Thanks for the interesting read.
I just came across your blog about Motivation to complete my work on the subject. Thanks for your thoughts!
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