Wednesday, May 25, 2005


This morning all five of us girls, woke up around seven and eight o'clock so that we could get ready and head toward Charleston, SC. Since the trip itself takes about an hour and a half we wanted to be able to get there in time for our boat trip to the Fort Summter ruins at two.

We were about a half an hour early to the boat tour place, and examined all the information in the little shop just in front of where our boat would dock. The trip from the dock to the actual ruins took approximately a half an hour and was really relaxing with the sea air blowing towards us.

While on the island, Laura and I found a really cool hole in a wall somewhere and would have explored it further but we did not have flashlights. Both of us felt that it must have been missed because it was in a dark area that wasn't blocked off but not frequented much.

After our tour of Fort Summter, we proceeded to walk around the Market place in Charleston. There was some wonderful tacky shops, souvenier shops, and candy stores in the two to three and a half block area. The five of us hit up all the candy shops for some yummy candy that starts with v.

Amber got a neat shirt for Jon. Kim picked up some more post cards, and Laura bought a nice cool bottle of water. <3

After we had felt we'd checked out all the shops that we needed to, we checked into the place we had to go to for our Dungeon ghost tour. Then we went to a nice place called Wild Wings which had wonderful chicken and pot stickers. At a half an hour to eight, we went back to the Ghost check in place, and picked up our directions and name of our tour guide and headed to the jail.

The tour itself was really cool, and some of the rooms creaped Laura and I out. There were two rooms that made the hair on my skin stand on end. When I touched a door that had fallen because of a ghost my hair stood up, as well as when I touched the old wrought iron cage carriage they used to bring convicts to the prison on.

From there, we decided it was time to get back home. It was already getting a little late, and three of the five of us will be traveling home tomorrow. At noon, our time (11 in SD), Amber, Kim and Rachel will be leaving Columbus and heading toward Chicago to meet up with a plane and head to Sioux Falls.

I am going to get to bed now, so that Laura can get her rest and I will be able to as well. Her brother Mark and his wife will be coming tomorrow at five for Memorial weekend. I haven't seen them in several years, and it has been a while for Laura's family as well. I don't know when the next post will be.

See you then.



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