It's been a while. Appologies. Busyness, and work have kept me from posting as well as no motivation. Instead of updating you on all that has gone on, I'll just start from this evening and post as other things go on.
My mother and I began the South Beach Diet on Monday. If you would like to find out more, go to Mom said, as of yesterday morning she had lost six pounds. I've lost one as of this evening. My lack in pounds missing is due to a bachelorette party, and reception this past week. Two days of the six that I've been through have been "cheats" because of the special occasion.
Tomorrow Kevin comes back from camp, and I'm going to be driving up to see him. We may go to a movie or something, I'd like to show him some pictures of the wedding that was on Friday.
One thing that happened last week that needs to be noted is the activity on my web site. It has been upgraded and improved. I will keep this layout until I improve my skills as a web designer. Here is the link: